Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My little surprise .........

I was sick for about 2 weeks. I thought I had that horrible flu that was going around. There were even death of the elderly because of this flu.  I hadn't eaten in two weeks and could not get off the couch. Jer came home from work and was like, " we are taking you in". When we first got there they saw how weak and worn I was they were going to admit me to the er for my appendix. I began telling them it had been going on for weeks so they ruled that out. They then took me back right away and took about 12 things of blood. Jer and I were just waiting... They asked if they could run a pregnancy test with my blood I said no problem I have taking about 10 at home ones in the past 4 weeks because I had missed my period  and I was having the stomach pain. But they all came back negative. We were waiting what felt like forever and I still remember we had a male doctor and he came in and he said, " well we know whats wrong.  You are pregnant. congratulations."  My mouth dropped and so did Jers then we just smiled and laughed. My pregnancy with Brody was wonderful.... I ended up moving in with my mom and dad because Jer was gone in the army and I hated to be alone. Nothing like a little mother love to help you prepare for a baby. Then jer got home in August. We moved in to a town house and then 4 days later we welcomed Brody Alan Tarbox in to our lives. He was 8 lb 10 oz. 22 in, after 7 hours of labor.  I did it with out medication and with the support of my wonderful husband and mother. My in-laws were in the waiting room. It was the most amazing moment in my life when they handed me my baby boy. I have never loved anything more in my life. I get tears in my eyes just thinking about it.... He was perfect and he came from me. Now that little boy is 3. Were did that time go? I remember every step , every first word. I was so luck to be a stay at home mom and never miss any of that. Brody is crazy, outgoing and very loving. It has been an amazing journey and I can't wait to see the man he will grow to be. ( not too fast I hope).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

step mom....

When you think of step mom do you think on the movie Cinderella?? I do. I just think how mean and heart less she was to poor Cinderella. I find it funny now looking at that movie. Because I love my girls with all my heart like they are my own. When Jer and I started to date I knew about the girls. I can still remember the first time I meet them. My friend and I took "A "shopping ( I will not be putting the girls names in the blog) I was so excited we bought her shoes, a dress, pj's, tooth brush and I am sure a toy! I loved her from the get go. She was so excited to spend time with me it was like we were suppose to be in each others life. I had known "C " before Jer and I started to date. I already had got to spend a lot of time with her. For the record I did not start dating Jer till "C's"  mom dumped Jer for another guy. I have always loved children. I knew at a very young age I couldn't wait to be a mother. I was so excited to be dating there dad and spending time with them. I was shocked when it was the 3rd time meeting me and "A" called me mom! I can still see the look in her eyes when she said it to me! I corrected her and said , " no hunny I am just lucky I  get to be your good friend and I love spending time with you." and she looked right back at me and said , " no your my mom." My heart melted. We tried for a long time to tell her to call me Melissa. But she was 2 ( they know everything at that age! ) and from that day on  I have been mom  to her and still am to this day :)  I also remember when "C "called me mom for the first time. She was getting ready for bed and she looked up at me and said , " mo ma " I picked her right up and just held her. She hasn't stopped either. I know the girls know they didn't come from my belly and that they have " real " moms. I have always been truthful and honest with them. They are kids that have two moms. They will be the first to tell you that. I think it amazes people how well adjusted the girls are. They truly are very special princesses. When we explain to them why they have two families we tell them they are extra special and so loved and lucky! We always want them to know and feel they are wanted and we feel blessed for them!  Lots of people have trouble understanding our crazy life. But to us it makes perfect sence!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have been married for three years. I will be the first to say it has been a roller coaster. We have are ups and we have our downs. But hey that's life right? When I got married I was 21 years old. I know that seems young in this day and age but I knew from the very beginning that I was meant to marry this man! He was kind, sweet, loving , and pretty easy on the eyes ;) ha. Little did I know how hard marriage truly is. But we have made it work. I never know what tomorrow is going to bring. But I do you know we will face it together. We are partners in life and a team! We have two wonderful boys together. Brody our oldest just turned three! He is a free spirited and very outgoing ( just like his mommy)! Then there is our Baby Brax. One of my family member said it best , " every time I see Brax I just want to hug him!" he is quiet and loving and shy. ( just like his daddy.)  The boys are the best part of me. I say that meaning they are my life and I am so proud of them.  Jer and I are so grateful for our blessings.  But back to Jer and me. We are your normal loving couple who are just trying to make it work! We are proud to say that we have had great examples in our parents who both have been married for over 30 years! We can only hope to follow in the foot steps! In everything we go through we become that much more in love with each other." Life isn't always easy but its a beautiful ride.".

My life in the fast lane!

Married ( check) , Have babies (check), Great family ( check), Nice house to live in (check) , finish college ( working on it. ), Job ( as if raising 4 kids isn't enough!). That is just the start of my check list. I am a 24 year old married mother of two boys and two step daughters. Plus to top it all off I'm a full time student. So I am sure you are thinking, why is this crazy woman writing a blog when she cant even remember to put socks on in the morning. The answer to that is simple..... I know there are other people out there just like me! I figure if I can make one person smile or simply say , " Thank god I am not alone." Then my blog has done its job! I wont have the time to write every day but when I do I can promise there will be some great stories.